- The Virgin Mary Hodegetria
- Item ID : 313
- Collection Name : Holy Metropolis of Limnos and Ag. Eustratios
- Dimension : 22Χ18,5Χ2,5
- Description : The iconography of the theme follows the traditional type of presenting Virgin in the Hodegetria (The One that guides) type.
Virgin is depicted in a bust form and slightly inclined towards Christ Child.
She is wearing a dark red maphorion and a dark blue headband. She has a gold crown in her head which denotes a western artistic influence. She holds the Christ Child with her left arm. Christ Child is depicted in a strictly frontal position and half length facing directly the viewer. Virgin’s right hand is extended towards the Christ Child in a presentation gesture. An incised halo with a cross sign inscription surrounds his head, while his right hand is raised in an attitude of benediction. He is clad with a rich yellow chiton (tunic) and an orange color himation.
Around the Virgin’s left arm, signs of the inscription: XPH has been preserved.
The stylistic type of the particular icon has great affiliations of the 16nth century Cretan iconographic types and trends.
Virgins face pictorial execution, exudes calmness, loving care and serenity. Certain fundamental elements, like the dark brown under-paint of the faces, the sparsely ochre tints around the nose, the eyes and the forehead of the Virgin; as well as the austere and strictly frontal position of the Christ Child head, dates the icon around the first half of the 17nth century. The western detail of the Virgin’s crown also suggests that the icon belongs to that period