Collection Name : Holy Metropolis of Korinthos, Sikionos, Zemenos, Tarsos and Polifegos
Place : Korinthos
Dimension : 0,58 x 0,47 μ.
Description : The centre represented the founder Jesse in a rather relax posture. From the loins of twist arises a coiled tree branch, which forms medallions depicting several prophets and kings. At the top, the central medallion dominates the representation of the enthroned Virgin, which in she keeps the Christ child in her arms. Above is depicted the Father and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. The entity surrounded by: St. Stephen, St. Sava , St. Panteleimon , the Saints George and Demetrius , the Three Hierarchs ( Vasilios, Chrysostomos and Gregory) of St. Theodore , St. Haralambos , St. Nicholas and St. John Prodromos.